Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you Zara from Free To Be Natural for giving my blog the Versatile Blogger Award.  What a pleasant surprise! That was so nice and I really appreciate it.

Rules of the Award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you with a link back to their blog.
  • List 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate other great blogs you have recently discovered or follow regularly with this award.

7 Things:
  1. I love Duran Duran.
  2. I was a fan of the show "Charmed" and wished they had filmed two more seasons.
  3. My favorite colors are blue and pink.
  4. My favorite movie is Titanic and I love to watch documentaries about Titanic. The movie did a good job of following the documentaries about Titanic and they made the storyline bring the emotion of that night to life is such a realistic way.
  5. I like to watch cooking channels.
  6. Favorite actors Ralph Fiennes and Leonardo DiCaprio.
  7. Favorite actresses Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock.
Blogs I'm passing the award on to because I really enjoy them:

  1. Beauty Au Natural
  2. Primped and Painted 
  3. The Bewitchin Kitchen
  4. Vixen Vintage
  5. Inspired Beauty
  6. Beauty Obsessed
  7. Seven Things Beauty
Check them out they are fun blogs!  Thanks again Zara I love your blog too!

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