Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Product Review - KLUTCHClub Box

   Today I have a wonderful program to tell you about, KLUTCHclub.  This is a great way to sample some of the newest innovations in health and wellness.  If you are a busy person, it's a great way to get a sample box each month delivered right to your door.  How does KLUTCHclub work?

Each box has over $50 worth of products and you pay only $18 per box for a one month subscription, $17 per box for a 3 month subscription or $16 per box for a 1 year subscription.  Starting this month, there is also a KLUTCHclub box geared for Men! That's right, you can now get that special guy in your life a KLUTCHclub box just for him.

   I was lucky enough to receive the KLUTCHclub box pictured below as a complimentary gift. In my box I received 2 Think Thin crunch bars, a coconut water, a moving comfort gift card, a free Yoga Download class, a Hydroxatone wrinkle reducer serum and a water bottle.  I really loved the Think Thin bars as I had not tried them before.  I'll be buying these again soon.  I liked the Yoga Download site too because they have some great audio and video classes.  Everything I received was great to try out.  I was so excited to see the box when it was delivered in my mailbox.  These are products and services I would seriously try because they are related to health and wellness which is important to me and my family.  I also think if you have someone you'd like to give a healthy, fun gift to, this is it.  I really love the concept of this company and this is one I will keep on my list, especially during the upcoming holiday season. I think it's a great gift at such a reasonable price. Who says healthy isn't fun? These boxes give you a great variety and they are fun as well as exciting.

  The September KLLUTCHclub box for Women looks exciting as well.  Here is a picture below of what you can expect if you buy your first KLUTCHclub box this month.  In the September box there are over $100 worth of health and wellness products to try out. 

    To keep up with KLUTCHclub and hear the latest news you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.  You can also go straight to the KLUTCHclub website to read more about this wonderful program and to check out the newest KLUTCHclub boxes each month.  If you give them a try, leave me a comment and let me know how you liked your KLUTCHclub box.  If you are like me, I think you'll love it.

                                    You can also click below to get to the KLUTCHclub website. 

  Check out this short video from the CEO and founder Julie Bashkin for even more details about KLUTCHclub.  This is a program that you will love if you are trying to learn more about healthy products and services and want a wonderful monthly surprise delivered right to your door for a discounted price. 

Note:  You can turn off my blog music on the right hand side with the iPod player before watching the video below.


I was provided these products for review.  All opinions expressed about the products and company are my own.

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