Friday, April 13, 2012

Product Review - Truvía® Natural Sweetener

I was able to try a sample of Truvia® natural sweetener recently.  It is a natural sugar substitute made from the Stevia leaf.  It is a zero calorie sugar substitute that is also gluten free.  It does not have an impact on blood glucose or insulin levels.  You can use this to bake foods, or add to sweeten teas.  I used it in my Stash Tea samples and it tasted great.  This is already used in some products as a substitute for sugar such as Velamints and Odwalla.
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Leza1121 said...

Thanks for posting this Michelle! With the recent concerns of using Aspartame, Truvia sounds like a great alternative.

Healthy Living Natural Beauty - Michelle said...

Hi Leza,

I agree with you, Aspartame has always been a concern of mine. Once I started becoming more aware of labels I realized Aspartame is in so many things we eat. Even most sugarless gums. I know Dentists prefer the sugarless gum, but that Aspartame is so bad for our bodies. We really need better, healthier alternatives! Glad companies are paying attention.

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