Friday, July 13, 2012

Fashion Friday - US Olympic Team

    I've been hearing so much controversy about the US Olympic Team Uniforms lately in the news.  First, I was hearing that many people were outraged that the team was wearing berets.  There was the sense that the berets made the team look more like Team France.  Then I began hearing that US politicians were upset that the uniforms were made in China.

    In my own opinion, I don't particularly think berets are making the US Team look like Team France.  I really actually like beret style hats and have seen plenty of Americans wearing them.  I don't necessarily disagree that the uniforms being made in China is upsetting, but for many years now most of our clothing has been made not only in China, but also in Vietnam, Singapore, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and many other nations.  I had heard that we should try to buy "Made in America" when possible, but if you try to do that as far as fashion is concerned, you would have a very hard time doing it because not many clothing items are actually "Made in America" anymore.  My Mom and I actually tested this about a year ago.  We were shopping and I told her that you can't find many clothes "Made in America" anymore. At first she thought I was exaggerating but when we both looked at all the labels of the clothes in the store we were shopping at, there was not one item that was "Made in America".  

  Today I'm posting the controversial Olympic picture.  In my opinion, I really don't like these uniforms.  Not because of the berets or that they were made in China.  I just don't particularly like the style in general.  For representing the Olympics, they are not sporty enough in my opinion.  I like the colors, but not the general look.   What is your opinion? 

                                                              Picture courtesy of Pinterest.

  I'm also adding pictures from June 2012 Vogue Magazine which I think better represent the fashions of the US Team for the Olympics.  The cover is sporty looking, and gold!  The spread in this issue of Vogue has great fashions and shows off the US Team.  What are  your thoughts? 

Cover featuring Hope Solo (we saw her on Dancing With the Stars!), Ryan Lochte and Serena Williams.

        Tennis players Bob and Mile Bryan with Karlie Kloss wearing an Alexander McQueen gown.

                           Swimmer Ryan Lochte with Karlie Kloss wearing Haider Akermann.

                  Basketball player Dwyane Wade with Karlie Kloss wearing Oscar De La Renta.


               Track and Field's Ashton Eaton with Karlie Kloss wearing Oscar De La Renta.

                    Gymnastics Jonathan Horton with Karlie Kloss wearing Victoria Beckham.

                                          Vogue pictures courtesy of Vogue Magazine.  Picutres taken by Annie Leibovitz.

                    Hope you enjoyed this look at Olympic Fashions.  Happy Fashion Friday!

I'm linking up with Kori from Blonde Episodes for Fashion Friday.  If you have a fashion post, click on the button below to add your post. Hope to see you there!

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