Friday, July 27, 2012

Fashion Friday - Pretty in Pink

    Many celebs have worn pink.  I'm loving pink fashion so I'm going to post some pictures of famous celebs who have worn (and looked great in) pink.  Many of us go with the basic black or white but sometimes this pop of color can look great too.  How about you? Do you like wearing pink?  If so what's your favorite style of pink clothing? Dresses, pants, shoes, hats, gloves?

                           Marilyn Monroe wore pink in the movie Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend.

                     Madonna did her own take on the scene from Marilyn's movie for her video Material Girl.

                                                            Princess Diana

                                                    Grace Kelly aka Princess Grace of Monaco.

                                                              Audrey Hepburn

                                           Angelina Jolie wearing a pink blouse.

                                                   Sarah Jessica Parker wears many pink outfits.

                                           Jennifer Garner wearing a pink blouse and pink shoes.

                              Jennifer Lopez wearing pink and carrying a pink umbrella.

                                                             Pictures courtesy of Pinterest.

    Pink stays in fashion no matter what the decade it always looks great.  Hope you enjoyed this look at Pretty in Pink fashions for Fashion Friday!

    Today I'm linking up with Kori from Blonde Episodes for the Fashion Friday blog hop.  If you have a fashion post and would like to add yours, click on the button below.  I hope to see you there. Happy Fashion Friday!

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Kori said...

My favorite color!!!! Thanks for linking up honey! Kori xoxo

Healthy Living Natural Beauty - Michelle said...

Thanks Kori,I love it too! Hope you are having a great weekend.


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