Guest Posts

                                 Guidelines and Past Guest Post Articles

 At Healthy Living Natural Beauty I like to support guest post articles.  Your article may contain links back to your blogs.  If you would like to submit a post for consideration please email me at:

Helpful Guidelines: 

Please only serious writers should submit posts for consideration of a Guest Post.  If you are writing an article purely for advertising only and putting links that aren't related to your article content, see my Advertising/Sponsoring Tab for details on placing an ad on my site at a good rate.  I really want the Guest Posts to be for authors trying to gain experience at writing and allowing others to read their original work.

Please make sure your article has proper spelling and grammar.

Please make sure your article is original and will only be posted on Healthy Living Natural Beauty.  (However, you may include links on your blog back to the original post here on HLNB). 

Please tie your topic to the subject matter covered within Healthy Living Natural Beauty.  For example, the subject can cover beauty, fashion, exercise and fitness, nutrition, natural products.  If you are unsure of your topic, send me a quick email for pre-approval.

Please include any pictures, videos or links within your article and if you have a request for special placement of your pictures or videos include that information in your submission. I highly recommend including pictures in your article. If you use your own pictures make sure to credit them in your bio.   List any copyrights to pictures you use.

Please include a brief personal biography (include your first and last name) with your credentials and any contact information.

Please make sure your links are working properly within your article.

Posts submitted should be edited and ready to post, although I do reserve the right to make any editorial changes I feel necessary. Submitting is not a guarantee that your post will be published, but I will notify you when/if I do use your post.

Let me know if you have any questions before submitting your article and I will be happy to answer them as quickly as possible.


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