Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fashion Friday - New York Premier of Dark Knight Rises

 Update:  This morning, when I turned on the news I heard about the terrible tragedy in Aurora, Colorado.  My heart goes out to the victims of this horrible act. My prayers go out to all affected.

    This movie was a special event for all of us who have been following the series.  It makes no sense that someone would take advantage of that in such a horrible way. I posted my fashion post last night in anticipation of opening night for this movie and my own excitement to see it.  I hope it will be taken in the positive light it was meant to be for Fashion Friday. 


    Today I'm posting pictures from the premier of the movie Dark Knight Rises.  It should be a good one to catch this weekend if you get the chance.  I really enjoyed the last movie in the series.  The New York premier was this week and here are some pictures from the event.

                                                        Christian Bale with Sibi Blazic. 

                                                                     Anne Hathaway

                                                   Tom Hardy and Sarah Ward

                                                               Joseph Gordon-Levitt

                                              Gary Oldman and Alexandra Edenborough

                                                            Marion Cotillard


                                                             Morgan Freeman

                                                     Pictures courtesy of Larry Busacca/Getty Images.

    I'm also including a clip from the movie.  You can turn off my blog music with the iPod player on the right hand side before watching the clip.

  Hope you enjoyed the New York premier if Dark Knight Rises.  Happy Fashion Friday!

    Today I'm linking up with Kori from Blonde Episodes for the Fashion Friday blog hop.  If you have a fashion post, make sure to add yours. Click the button below to see Kori's post and to add yours to the hop.  Hope to see you there!

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Kori said...

The fashion is amazing...So sad about the tragedy. I'm about 20 minutes from it. Thanks for linking up honey! Have a great weekend! Kori xoxo

Healthy Living Natural Beauty - Michelle said...

Hi Kori,

How scary, and sad it is to have something like that happen.

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a nice weekend too.



The Preppy Student said...

I love Anne Hathaway but Sarah Ward looks the best here! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow The Preppy Student. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog!

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