Tuesday, August 28, 2012

HLNB Summer Challenge III - Day 27

August 27th Day 27:
Yesterday I was inspired by Haley's comment about riding her bike 30 miles so I rode mine 7 miles today.  I know it's not as much but it was more than I usually do each day.  So I'm glad to have that extra inspiration, thanks Haley.  I also walked 2 miles and watered my garden.

                                                    Jennifer Aniston having fun riding a bike.

I ate some oatmeal with strawberries, ate some roasted veggies on a sandwich, ate a salad with tomatoes from our garden.  I also drank 100% fruit juices with all three meals.

                                                            Pictures courtesy of Pinterest.

 Items to note:
       See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "HLNB Challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun and encouraging  for you too.  I'm also not logging everything I'm eating, only listing the healthier items. I'm trying to convert my family's food choices to more healthy options and fresh foods selections as well.  On days I'm listing more it means I'm replacing less healthy foods with healthier choices.  This is one of my personal healthy living goals. One day when I look back, I hope to see improvements on my activities and on my eating habits. Thanks for following along in the journey.

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Unknown said...

Aww thanks ! Yesterday I tried the eliptical machine for 1o minutes, but my feet kept slipping off so I jumped on the treadmills and did run/walk intervals with hill intervals. I then tried to run as fast as I could home.

Today we went to a baseball game so I gave myself the day off :)

Healthy Living Natural Beauty - Michelle said...

Hi Haley,

Alright! Treadmills are a great workout. I also give myself days off as well. Those are my intermission posts. We all need them every now and then. I love that you have variety in your workouts. That keeps them interesting and easier to stick with too.


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