Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part 1 UK Premier Fashions

    Tonight was the premier of Breaking Dawn in the UK.  Below I have a few of the fashions from the night. This premier looked exciting and fun.

     Kristen Stewart looked beautiful in her black gown and open toe shoes.  She also had black nail polish to match.

                                      Robert Pattinson's look was good with his grey shirt and dark grey suit.

                                                   Taylor Lautner always looks great.

                        British X Factor judge Tulisa Contostavlos (center) with X Factor contestants Little Mix.  They all looked wonderful in black. 

     Irish singer Una Healy was wearing a lovely white dress with gold accents.  She also had a pair of open toe heals that completed her outfit. 

                           Swedish actress MyAnna Buring looked great in a red dress with a black belt. 

                                                           All pictures courtesy of Pinterest.

    At the UK premier black seemed like the dominate color for fashion even for the guys.  Everyone looked great and it looked like a fun time.

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