Monday, March 7, 2011

Today's Featured Product JASON Pure and Natural Hand and Body Lotion

Aloe Vera JASON Lotion
     I've been using a hand lotion from the company JASON Pure, Natural and Organic called Pure and Natural Hand & Body Lotion.  I started out using it on my hands but now use it on my body as well.  It contains 84% concentrated natural Aloe Vera.  It's a calming moisture relief lotion for sensitive, irritated skin.  There are no parabens or phthalates in the ingredients.  This lotion is non-greasy so when I use it, it doesn't leave my hands feeling sticky.  It has a mild scent so it is not overwhelming when I apply it to my hands/body.  It's been great to use during the cold winter months because my hands, arms and legs get dry and flaky if I don’t apply creams.  This has left my hands and body feeling soft.  I haven't used it much in the summer months but it does contain Aloe Vera and on the bottle it is recommend for sun damaged skin.  In some of my research I've also found that Aloe Vera contains some natural sun screen protection so it would probably be good to use during the summer months as well.  I like this lotion and have been pleased with the texture, scent and effectiveness of each application.  For me this product has worked well. 

     This company has been making natural products since 1959.  They have been one of the first companies to offer natural products without harsh chemicals.  This is the same company that makes the natural deodorants my family uses.  I buy the hand lotion in the same section that the natural deodorants are located in at my local grocery store, but I've also seen these products at Target and Walmart.  And of course you can also order their products online through their website.

     This is a product I would recommend to anyone who has dry skin, or who wants a hand/body lotion that doesn't have an overpowering scent.  It’s one you can feel good about trying if you are looking for a good, natural alternative hand/body lotion.
The lotion is not sticky and goes on smoothly.

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