Friday, September 30, 2011

HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 29

September 29th Day 29:   Yesterday we took our dog to the dog park and walked around the park as she played and she also walked around the park with us.  It was a little cooler outside yesterday so we didn't do any other activities outdoors.  I did however, keep moving during the day by cleaning house and walked during errands. 

Source: via Jackie on Pinterest

Plenty of playful pups at the dog park yesterday!

  See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Fashion Friday - Scarves

    With fall here and winter coming my pick for Fashion Friday is the wonderful scarf.  I love scarves because you can wear them with so many outfits and they can make an old outfit look new again.  Also, scarves really do keep you warm.  If you work in an office that keeps the air conditioner on too high or the heat too low a beautiful scarf can make all the difference.  Another great thing about scarves is that you don't have to be rich to buy them, there are so many out there in different price ranges and in this economy that can mean so much.  If you haven't been able to treat yourself lately, you can easily go out and buy a beautiful scarf and it can make you feel so good. Many of us also had grandmas that made us lovely crocheted or knitted scarves and that makes them extra special because we truly have an original work of art.  They are also very versatile in that you can wear them in many different ways.  Some of us even wear them on our heads to keep the wind away or to wear while doing housework.  I'm attaching some beautiful pictures I found on Pinterest of some scarves to inspire you on Fashion Friday.  Enjoy!

Source: via Maggie on Pinterest

So many lovely scarves to choose from!

                               My Favorite ways to wear a scarf are #1, #4 and #5 above.

                          I like wearing them like this too, so cute! (Especially if you are having a bad hair day.)

                            They look great with jeans too!

     Also, great for an office look, very versatile.

    To join in on the Fashion Friday blog hop click the button below to go to Kori's website, Blonde Episodes for details.  You can share with the rest of the group your favorite fashion post today! Plus you can see other blog fashion posts to meet new blog friends and they can read your post too.  Have fun and "Happy Fashion Friday"!


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 28

September 28th Day 28:   Yesterday I walked my dog for about 30 minutes.  We saw a fox on our walk which was neat. I also walked as I worked on projects around the house.  I didn't do any other specific exercise today but I was aware of keeping active.  It's okay to have a slower day as long as we can keep on track.  However, I did notice that something was missing in my daily routine when I didn't get the extra exercise.  Tomorrow I'm going to make sure to get some extra activity into my schedule.

  See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Outdoor Living - Porches and Sun Rooms - Temptation Thursday Blog Hop

    It can be very relaxing and peaceful to sit and read a good book or magazine in a sun room or lovely outdoor porch.  My temptation for today is outdoor porches and sun rooms.  We have a south facing back porch that has a deck, but someday I'd love to have it made into a sun room or a fancy outdoor covered porch.  I'd love to be able to keep plants in it year round or have it be an extension of our house so we could use it even in cold winter months to watch snow fall.  It's always good for life balance to take time to relax and take care of your soul.  And if you had a nice covered porch or sun room you could use it even in cool weather.  You could also use it to exercise in when it's too cold to work outdoors and still have the feel of being outdoors.  It's a lovely dream!

I'm attaching some pictures I got from Pinterest that look so wonderful!

Source: via Gina on Pinterest

Source: via Gina on Pinterest

Oh I'd love to have a sun room or outdoor porch like these above! Maybe someday?!

    To join this blog hop and share your temptation for today click on the button below to see Kori's post (from Blonde Episodes) for instructions on joining. It's fun to share your dreams in writing and with pictures. Check out some of the other blogger's temptations in the hop as well.  Their links are shown below Kori's post. You can also add your post if you want to write one up today and join the blog hop! I'll be checking out all the other posts in the hop as well and I'd love to see yours too.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Don't Forget Your Tarte Natural Makeup This Halloween

    Today I'm attaching a video that is a great tutorial about how to use Tarte makeup for Halloween.  Maureen Kelly the creator and CEO of Tarte cosmetics is in this video and the one being made up.  The person applying the makeup is Sonia Hodzic, Tarte Director of Education.  This is from Halloween last year and in the video they are demonstrating how you can get a flapper chic look.  During this season,  people want to dress up at Halloween and end up buying the makeup at the Halloween stores.  But those cosmetics can make your skin break out and they many not contain the best ingredients.  Plus you can usually only use them once a year.  If you have Tarte cosmetics that you use in  your daily life you can learn from this video how to apply them for a more bold look.  It's also nice to learn new tips and tricks for creating more full looking lips, or brightening your eyes.  This way you can save money on the makeup portion of your costume.  I have liked everything that I've used by Tarte so far and will be buying more from their line in the future.  In this video they mention the Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara that I love to use.  If you are thinking of ideas for what you can dress up like this Halloween, you can be a flapper and know how to apply the makeup for an authentic look. There are a great variety of cosmetics from their line in this video and you will enjoy the little tips they throw in to help you get the most out of your makeup.

Note:  You can mute or turn off my blog music on the right hand side before viewing this video.

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Giveaway for the 2 Year Anniversary of Blonde Episodes

    One of my new favorite blogs "Blonde Episodes" is having a giveaway for her 2 year blogoversary.  The giveaway will end on October 10, 2011.  She will be giving away 4 wonderful gift cards to Starbuck's $10, Pinkberry $10, Macy's $25 and MAC Cosmetics $25.  One lucky person will receive all 4 gift cards.  Check out her blog for details on how to enter this giveaway.  There are a total of 18 possible ways to enter.  You can go to her site by going to my button collection tab above and clicking on the Blonde Episodes button or you can click the link here:  Blonde Episodes Giveaway

    While you are there, check out the rest of her site.  She has so many interesting posts to read and she also has "Flirting With Temptation Thursday" and "Fashion Friday" that you can check out regularly.  I'm adding those buttons below.  Don't forget to go back tomorrow (Thursday) for "Flirting With Temptation Thursday".  I think you will enjoy this site if you love beauty and fashion.   Good luck in the giveaway!

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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 27

September 27th Day 27:   Yesterday I walked my dog for about 30 minutes.  I also ran some errands and parked further from the doors to make sure I got more steps in my day.  Later in the evening I wanted to watch "Dancing With The Stars" and decided to ride my stationary bike while watching.  Somehow when I'm watching the dancing and seeing the practice the stars have to do, it inspires me to keep active as well.  My stats were as follows:

Time on the bike:  40 minutes and 10 seconds
Distance: 7.42 miles
Speed:  between 10.9 and 12.4 mph
Total Calories burned: 189.10
Total Fat Calories burned: 59.0

David and Kym on DWTS. (photo from

  See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Get Sleek Sexy Arms - Video from Women's Health Magazine

    Here is another video from Women's Health Magazine. This one is called "Get Sleek, Sexy Arms" and shows the exercises that you will do in 15 to 20 reps for two to three sets. Even though it's now fall, you can exercise your arms regularly to keep them in shape. I've been doing the second exercise in this video with my weight training routine. You can also start out with lighter weights and work up to the 5 to 8 pound weights over time. I had one friend who told me she started working out her arms with soup cans until she felt strong enough to use weights. These exercises don't take long and if you do them on non-consecutive days you can add them to your 30 day keep moving challenge. I hope you will enjoy this workout routine. It's a fun and easy workout to add into a regular routine. By next summer if you are doing this regularly, you could have great looking arms for those bathing suits and summer tops!

Note: You can turn off or mute my blog music on the right hand side before watching this video.
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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 26

September 26th Day 26:   Yesterday I watered our yard.  I watered trees, vines bushes and what's left of our garden.  It took about 40 minutes and I also had my dog outside with me so she could run around the yard while I worked.  My Mom and I also went for a walk which took about 30 minutes.  We logged 4,841 steps on my pedometer during our walk.

More beautiful views to see when walking outdoors!

  See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Hand & Foot Mask - Everybody Nose

    Here is the second part to the Hand & Foot Scrub from Noelle Katai's show "Everybody Nose" on the Veria Channel.  In this video Noelle shows us how to make a natural Hand & Foot Mask.  She uses an avocado, olive oil, orange blossom honey, yogurt and two essential oils sandalwood and myrrh.  This one looks a little bit messy, but it also looks like fun.  It's supposed to make your hands and feet feel moisturized and soft.  It is an easy one to make so I'll be trying this one as well.  If you give this one a try, let me know what your thoughts are about these home spa treatments.

Note:  You can mute or turn off my blog music on the right hand side before watching this video.

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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 25

September 25th Day 25:   Yesterday was a busy day but I did manage to get in some time on my stationary bike.  In the evening I watched part of the movie "Less Than Zero" and rode my bike while watching with the following stats:

Time on the bike:  20 minutes and 13 seconds
Distance: 3.65 miles
Speed:  between 10.5 and 11.5 mph
Total Calories burned: 94.1
Total Fat Calories burned: 29.4

    I also worked on laundry and folded clothes, and worked around the house.  It was a busy day so I didn't get any other concentrated exercise activities into my schedule but I did walk around during the day.

  See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.

Theatrical Release poster from Wikipedia for the movie Less Than Zero.
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tip of the Week - Give to Your Favorite Charity, Donate Your Time or Help Other People Out

    During these tough economic times there are many people around the world who are suffering or having a hard time.  Sometimes people get sick and that puts them in a financial bind.  Even if you can't afford to give money you can give the gift of time.  You can help a local charity or even help a neighbor who is sick and needs help carrying in grocery bags or help cleaning their yard.  When times are rough it sometimes makes people feel better to do small things to help others out.  And someday when you need help hopefully others can help you out too.  At times I've heard people around me saying they get discouraged with the way they see society going around them; but if you take a small step to do something nice for someone else, it gives you new faith in the world around you.  There are many ways to help and if each one of us does something in our own way to make the world a better place, it will become a better place.  If you are feeling a little down, doing something nice for someone else, can help bring up your spirits.

    If you haven't had time yet you can read the article in this month's Coco Eco Magazine about Fran Drescher.  It is an inspiring article.  She became sick with cancer and instead of letting it get her down she decided to fight the disease and now she is helping others through her charity.  Right now through November 15, 2011 Coco Eco Magazine will donate 50% of all new subscriptions to Fran Drescher's movement "Cancer Schmancer".  I'm attaching a link to the article for those who would like to read her story.

Link to Fran Drescher article in Coco Eco Magazine:  Fran Drescher Trashes Cancer

September/October 2011 Issue through November 15, 2011 50% of all new subscriptions will be donated to Cancer Schmancer.

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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 24

September 24th Day 24:   Yesterday I walked my dog for about 15 minutes.  It wasn't a brisk walk, I usually let her stop and smell around and stop to see other dogs or other people.  But we got out and enjoyed some of the day.  I also ran a few errands and walked around and walked from parking lots to buildings and was aware of trying to park out further to get more walking time logged.   Later in the evening, my husband and I walked for 1 mile around the neighborhood and took about 20 minutes.  I wore my Easytone shoes during this walk.  Since it's Fall now the weather will soon be changing so we wanted to enjoy the last few warm days of the season. 

If you take an evening walk, you might see a beautiful sunset!

  See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hand & Foot Scrub - Everybody Nose

    Here is another great recipe from Noelle Katai's show "Everybody Nose" on the Veria channel.  It is all natural and is easy to make.  In this recipe Noelle uses Jasmine Tea, Jasmine Rice, a Vanilla Bean and Vetiver Essential Oil.  I don't have a coffee grinder, but I will give this one a try.  It sounds so relaxing and it will be great in winter when your hands and feet start to get dry.  Noelle also mentioned if you use your tea it will make the mixture warm when you put in on your hands and feet. It would almost be like having a spa treatment at home.  It also looks like a fun thing to do on girls night if you have your sister or best friend over.

Note: You can mute or turn off my blog music on the right hand side on the purple music player before listening to the video.

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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 23

September 23rd Day 23:   Yesterday I worked in my yard, watered trees, shrubs and vines for 30 minutes.  I also played with my dog in the yard for another 15 minutes.  I threw her toy and we ran around in the yard.  In the evening, since it was Friday night, I decided to watch the chick flick "Thelma and Louise"- for a fun tidbit, this movie is even listed as an example of a chick flick in Wikipedia.  I decided to ride my stationary bike while I watched the movie.  It was better than sitting down and snacking during the whole movie and before I realized it, I had gone over my goal of 30 minutes.  Here are my stats below:

Time on the bike:  43 minutes and 15 seconds
Distance: 8.02 miles
Speed:  between 10.5 and 11.5 mph
Total Calories burned: 204.2
Total Fat Calories burned: 63.8

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.

Theatrical release poster from Wikipedia site

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Editor's Pick Award - From Pocketchange

    I'd like to thank Pocketchange for being given the Editor's Pick award for my reviews of natural cosmetics.  I appreciate the award and will continue to review more natural products in the future as I believe it is a great trend for the cosmetic industry.

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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 22

September 22nd Day 22:   Yesterday my husband and I rode our bikes for 3.5 miles in 20 minutes.  The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed the ride. I also did some yard work and threw my dogs chew toy for her around the yard.

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Classic Beauty Blog Award

    With Fall almost upon us, I decided to give an award for some great beauty blogs I've seen lately. This award is to honor those who have written some good blogs about beauty products, inner beauty and showing their own beauty within their written words.  In some way each of these blogs made an impression on me and I want to share their sites through this award.  

    Here are the rules: Pass on this award up to 10 blogs you also love; link them in your post; let them know you awarded them. Here are my choices for the Best Classic Beauty blogs:

1.  Beauty Au Natural 
2. The Natural Beauty & Health Blog
3. All Care Tips 
4. Beauty Obsessed
5. Seven Things Beauty
6. Makeup Tips, Tricks & Tales
7. Beauty in New York City
8. Makeup by Janalyn
9. Primped & Painted
10. My Style

Congratulations and thanks for the interesting blogs!
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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 21

 September 21st Day 21:   Yesterday I walked around the lake by our home with a friend of mine and I wore my pedometer.  We tracked 8,914 steps and walked 3.5 miles.  Per the chart on my pedometer, if you walk 7,500 steps per day you are a steady walker.  If you walk 10,000 steps per day you are a top trekker.  Walking 12,000 steps per day makes you an elite walker and 15,000 steps per day makes you a professional walker.  I also wore my pedometer while picking up pooh in my backyard and tracked another 288 steps.  Dr. Oz says aiming for 10,000 steps per day is a great way to keep your body actively moving.  It's hard to do if you work many hours behind a desk, but if you can remember, try getting up and walking around even if you are only moving in a small area around your desk.  Try not to stay seated all day long or several hours in a row.  If you can, try getting a pedometer they are easy to use and I got mine at my local dollar store.  You can get them for a fair price.  It can help you guide how much or little you may be moving each day.

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 20

 September 20th Day 20:   Yesterday I wore a pedometer while I cleaned house and I logged 2,376 steps.  I also walked when I went to the grocery store but didn't wear the pedometer to the store.  In the evening I wanted to watch "Dancing With The Stars" again so I rode my stationary bike during the show with the stats below:

Time on the bike:  35 minutes and 10 seconds
Distance: 6.69 miles
Speed:  between 10.8 and 12.4 mph
Total Calories burned:  168.20
Total Fat Calories burned:  52.5

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 19

 September 19th Day 19:   Yesterday my husband and I took our kayaks out for 30 minutes on the lake. It was a great workout for my arms.  It was also very peaceful and the weather was nice so it was fun.  Later in the evening I wanted to watch the debut for this season of "Dancing With The Stars" and decided I'd also ride my stationary bike while I watched some of the show.  This way I wasn't just sitting down for 2 hours with no activity.  My stats for the stationary bike are below:  

Time on the bike:  30 minutes
Distance: 5.62 miles
Speed:  between 11.3 and 11.5 mph
Total Calories burned:  142.80
Total Fat Calories burned:  44.6

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 18

 September 18th Day 18:   Yesterday I rode my bike for 3 miles with my husband.  It was still nice weather outside and a fun way to get in some exercise.  I also hung on the pull up bar for 26 seconds one time.

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to Make Your Own Natural Body Lotion - From Veria TV and Noelle Katai

    In some of my previous posts I've written about the show Everybody Nose on Veria TV with the host Noelle Katai.  Noelle shows us the many uses of Aromatherapy.  Today I'm posting a video by Noelle where she shows us how to make our own body lotion.  I haven't tried this one yet, but I would like to give this a try as it seems like it would be easy to do at home.  And I like that we can control the ingredients and know that we are not putting anything harmful into the lotion.  It is also neat to see how lotions are made, and how simple it really is to make them.  I can't wait to start making my own body lotions!  Hope you will enjoy the video.

Note: (you can turn my blog music off on the right hand side before viewing this video)

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Tip of the Week - From Self Magazine

  Today's tip is from Self Magazine.   Their tip to make exercise feel easier is to eat three beets or a plate of spinach (sources of nitrate) two hours before working out.  Subjects who took the supplement equivalent of this food upped oxygen efficiency, making their sizzle sessions seem easier, find researchers.
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Saturday, September 17, 2011

HLNB 30 Keep Moving Challenge - Day 17

    September 17th Day 17:   Yesterday I did my weight training routine as follows:

Front Leg Curls with 20 lbs 12 reps 3sets
Back Leg Curls with 20 lbs 12 reps 3 sets
Biceps Curls with 5 lbs 12 reps 3 sets
Triceps Press 5 lbs 12 reps 3 sets

    I also hung on the pull up bar for 25 seconds one time and 22 seconds the next time.  On the third try I tried to pull myself up a little which I was able to do and I have not been able to do this at all in the past.  I can hold that for about 10 seconds.

    I also walked around as we did some weekend to do items.  That allowed me to get a little bit of walking in although not as much as I would have liked.

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 16

September 16th Day 16:   Yesterday I had several errands and walked around for these errands.  I also tried to park further away so I could walk a little bit more since the weather was also very nice.  In the evening I hung on the pull up bar for 22 seconds twice.

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Friday, September 16, 2011

For our Friends in the UK - Jason Back To School Competition

    You can enter the Jason Back To School Competition - for your chance to win over £60 of Jason goods simply "Like" Jason on Facebook and then register for the newsletter at The winner will be announced on the 17th October. 
    I have tried several products by Jason and so far I have liked them all.  I've written a few posts about some of the products in this blog if you want to see my reviews.  I'm glad they have this company here in the US as well.  I hope one of my blog readers from the UK wins this competition!  Good Luck!!

Note:  You can stop my blog music on the lower right side to view the video for contest details.  Cheers!

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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 15

 September 15th Day 15:   Yesterday I did my weight training routine as follows:

Front Leg Curls with 20 lbs 12 reps 3sets
Back Leg Curls with 20 lbs 12 reps 3 sets
Biceps Curls with 5 lbs 12 reps 3 sets
Triceps Press 5 lbs 12 reps 3 sets

    I also hung on the pull up pole for 26 seconds one time and for 28 seconds the other time.  During the second time hanging I tried to see if I could pull my body up, I was able to a little bit but no where near being able to pull my chin up over the bar.  I still have some more work to do on this one.

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Crème

  Last year I developed a callous on the bottom of each of my feet in the area below my second toe at the top portion of my feet.  I'm sure it must have been my shoes because the calluses were on both feet in the same area.  I tried using some medicated callous remover pads and followed the instructions but those pads did not remove these painful calluses.   They left a small circle indentation on my feet but the hard calluses were still there.  It felt like I was walking on small rocks.  In my research for natural products I read about Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Crème and that it is 99.4% natural.  I tried this cream and after using it for one month the calluses on both feet had gone away.  My feet were also very smooth on the heels and toes as well.  I would put the cream on right before bed and wear socks overnight.  I also like the smell of the cream, which is a tropical scent.  I originally used this for my calluses but I still buy it and use on my feet because it's such a great product.  If you have any troubles with calluses or extra dry skin on your feet, this is a product you can use that is natural and works.  I also like the way it makes my heels so soft especially during the summer when you wear sandals.  You only have to use a small amount on each foot and the tube lasts a long time. This cream contains coconut oil which I'm a fan of (you can read my Tip of the Week post from September 4th about coconuts) and I believe it really does wonders for your skin.  I would recommend this cream with confidence to my friends and family.  

Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Crème

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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 14

 September 14th Day 14:   Yesterday I did housework inside since the weather was rainy and cool outside.  I did laundry and folded clothes.  Also, I watered the indoor plants and swept floors and walked up and down the stairs several times.  I kept moving most of the day.  Once in the evening I hung on the pull up bar for 25 seconds.

   See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

News About the September/October Issue of Coco Eco Magazine

September/October 2011 Issue

   Last month I wrote about Coco Eco Magazine.  Tomorrow the newest issue September/October 2011 issue will be featuring Fran Drescher on the cover.  Coco Eco Magazine is supporting Cancer Schmancer, Fran Drescher's non-profit organization. Fifty percent of all new subscriptions that come in between September 15th through November 15th, 2011 will be donated to Cancer Schmancer.  Go to the Coco Eco Magazine website at the link below tomorrow to preview the newest issue and to subscribe.  This is the month to sign up if you want to help support Cancer Schmancer.    It's also a good opportunity to get a subscription to a great online magazine.  I also have a link to their website in my Links/Blog Roll tab.

Click here to go to the Coco Eco Website and to subscribe:  Coco Eco Magazine
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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 13

 September 13th Day 13:   Yesterday I picked up dog pooh in the yard again (yes this does count, you bend and walk around the yard so you burn some calories) and I also put some grass seed down on my yard both front and back.  This was great exercise because I walked around the entire yard a few times to get the seed down evenly.  I was using the seeder that you hold and crank as you walk around.  I was outside for 1/2 hour walking around the yard several times. In the morning, my Mom and I went for a walk for 2.25 miles which took us about 45 minutes.  I wore my Easytone shoes on this walk as well.

    Later in the day, I did my weight training routine as follows:  (I increased the weight on my back leg curls to 20 pounds and reduced the weight on my front leg curls to 20 pounds.)

Front Leg Curls with 20 lbs 12 reps 3sets
Back Leg Curls with 20 lbs 12 reps 3 sets
Biceps Curls with 5 lbs 12 reps 3 sets
Triceps Press 5 lbs 12 reps 3 sets

     Later in the evening, I was able to hang on the pull up pole for 20 seconds one time and 26 seconds the second time.  I almost feel like I "might" be able to pull myself up a little bit.  But I just can't imagine pulling my chin up above that pole.  I'll keep you posted on this one.

    See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Fall 2011 Issue of The Kit Magazine - A Canadian Publication

  Here is the latest issue of The Kit Magazine.  On pages 96 and 97 there is a figure 8 workout routine that you can watch and try.  There are also some good recipes starting on page 83.  Many health and beauty articles as well in this issue.

Look inside >
Fall 2011 Issue
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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 12

 September 12th Day 12:   Yesterday played in the backyard with my dog for about 20 minutes and did some light yard work for about 15 minutes.  I did some work around the house and tried to make sure I didn't sit or lay down during the day.  In the evening my husband and I went for a walk around the neighborhood for 1 mile which took us 20 minutes. 

    See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Monday, September 12, 2011

The Popsicle Facial From the Doctors

    Here is a recipe for a popsicle facial from the show The Doctors.  If you click the link below in the article  you can also view the video segment.  I haven't tried this yet, but I will give it a try.  It looks like it would feel good and taste good too.  If you have tried this one, let me know what you thought about this recipe.

Popsicle Facial
Reduce puffiness and signs of aging with The Doctors' Popsicle Facial!

Mix green tea with 16 oz cold water
Mix 8 oz of vitamin E oil
Mix 16 oz grapefruit juice (natural, not from concentrate)
Fill 2 ice cube trays and place in freezer Before cubes freeze completely, place tooth picks or popsicle sticks in each cube


Grapefruit juice contains acidic pulp, which will alleviate oily skin. It also contains vitamin C, which promotes healthy cell growth. Vitamin E oil contains antioxidants that prevent the effects of aging, and is high in alpha tocopherol, which can prevent sun damage and dryness.
• Green tea also contains antioxidants that eliminate free radicals from the skin and promote healthy pigmentation.

Here is the link to paste into your browser if you want to view the video without clicking the link.

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HLNB 30 Day Keep Moving Challenge - Day 11

 September 11th Day 11:   Yesterday I rode my bicycle around the lake which is 3 miles and it took me 20 minutes.  I noticed on my ride that on certain areas that are uphill it was easier to get up the slopes than before.  Maybe my weight training on the legs is helping with my pedal strength uphill.  I also did my weight training routine as follows:

Front Leg Curls with 30 lbs 12 reps 3sets
Back Leg Curls with 15 lbs 12 reps 3 sets
Biceps Curls with 5 lbs 12 reps 3 sets
Triceps Press 5 lbs 12 reps 3 sets

     Later in the evening I was able to hang on the pull up pole for 22 seconds two times.  It's funny but I'm seeing progress with this impossible task so I haven't yet given up on this one.  Maybe I can do a pull up one day!

    I went out to do errands with my husband and it's the time of year to buy roasted peppers so we did and in the evening I worked on my peppers getting them bagged and put into the freezer so we can use them for salsas and sauces during the year.  It takes a couple of hours to prepare the peppers so instead of lounging on a couch to watch TV; I was working in the kitchen and had the television on as I worked. 

    See my contact information on the tabs above if you want to send me an email with any questions or suggestions.  With my "keep moving challenge" I'm logging my daily activities of how I keep moving.  I'm not offering any medical advice or making any guarantees.  This is meant for fun and if you want to follow along I hope it will be fun for you too.
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years After 9/11

    For anyone here in America 10 years ago today, if you were old enough I'm sure you can remember that day very clearly.   September 11, 2001 I arrived at work just after the first plane hit one of the towers at the World Trade Center.  I was sharing an office with one of my co-workers and we turned on our radios to hear the reports. As we were listening to the radio they broke the news that a second plane had hit the other tower.  We were in shock. It was so unbelievable that this could be happening.  I had an Uncle living in New York city who was going to be helping with the polls as they were having some sort of election and he told me the night before he was going to be a helping people get signed in to vote.  So I tried calling him to see if he was okay but you could not get through on any of the phone lines.  I called my parents and grandparents and we all talked about how shocked we were, how we could not believe this was happening and how scared it made us feel.  After calling our families, my office partner and I went to talk with some other co-workers and our company had set up one of the conference rooms for employees to go inside and view CNN to watch the story unfold.  It was such a sad and shocking day for us.  As we walked through the hallways of our company some of our co-workers were crying.  When we got to the conference room we watched as the news was reporting the tragedy.  I watched in sheer disbelief as I saw the billowing smoke coming out of the towers.  I was praying the firefighters could get everyone out of the building safely.  As I watched the news, suddenly the first tower collapsed.  I blurted out "What about all those people in the building, what about all those firefighters?" it got completely quiet in the room and we all hung our heads down as some cried.  I was in shock.  I couldn't believe what I just witnessed.  That day we also witnessed a plane crashing into the Pentagon and the remnants of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania.  It's a feeling I will never forget.  In the days that followed I talked to my Uncle and he was alright but like all the rest of us, he was in shock about what had happened.  The feeling in our country for the next few days was so strange; it felt like life as we knew it had changed forever.  The security and safety we all took for granted was gone so quickly.  For the first few days I noticed the quiet in the sky as all planes had been grounded, it was the first time in my life I hadn't heard jets flying in the skies above.  We all wondered what would happen next.  Since then our lives have changed in many ways.  We have grown stronger and we have rebuilt at Ground Zero.  Today there have been ceremonies that mark the new landscape and the memory of those we lost. We will not forget what happened that day, but like a Phoenix we too have risen from the ashes.  This tragedy ties us together and the memorials keep us strong.  For me, 10 years later, I am now writing my blog and sending my thoughts and prayers to all the people who lost loved ones that day.  Below are some pictures of today's ceremonies and the memorials.

Getty Images Photo By Getty Images/Pool: Ground Zero Memorial 9/11/11.

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Tip of the Week - Make Quick Healthy Snacks Ahead of Time

    If you make a few quick healthy snacks ahead of time it will be easier to keep eating healthy.  Sometimes when you get hungry between meals, it's easy to eat things like potato chips or Twinkies because they are already made and ready to rip open and eat.  If you make a few healthy snacks and put them in the refrigerator or cupboard you will have easy access to them when you get hungry.  This will make it easier for you to choose the healthy option.  Plus when you are hungry the healthy option will taste just as good as the pre-packaged unhealthy choice.

    Below I'm adding a quick and easy to make recipe for a healthy snack you can place in your refrigerator for easy access.  It is from Eating Well Magazine.   There are also links in the article for more healthy recipes and even some nutrition guidelines.  Enjoy!

Cinnamon Oranges

The EatingWell Diet (2007), The EatingWell Healthy in a Hurry Cookbook (2006)
This simple dessert works any time of the year, but its flavors will be the best and brightest in the winter when oranges are at their peak.

"Paired it with blueberry french toast and used the sauce on both .... My little one loved it.... If he loves it then it is great. Thanks for the recipe. "

Cinnamon Oranges Recipe
4 servings
Active Time:
Total Time:


  1. With a sharp knife, remove rind and white pith from oranges. Cut each into 5 or 6 slices and arrange on 4 plates. Whisk together orange juice and lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon. Spoon over the orange slices.


Per serving: 86 calories; 0 g fat ( 0 g sat , 0 g mono ); 0 mg cholesterol; 22 g carbohydrates; 1 g protein; 3 g fiber; 2 mg sodium; 258 mg potassium.
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (150% daily value).
Carbohydrate Servings: 1 1/2
Exchanges: 1 1/2 fruit
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